Monday, January 30, 2012

Fuel the body with the right food and you'll be rewarded with good health

Healthy choice
Truly, the legitimate heart healthy foods are oats, omega-3 fats, potassium, calcium, flavanoids, and antioxidants."
Oats have soluble fiber that lowers artery clogging cholesterol. Omega-3 fats help prevent irregular heartbeat and lower triglyceride levels and raise HDL levels.
"HDL is the good cholesterol,; LDL is the bad cholesterol."

Omega 3s can be found in things like flaxseed, oily fish, such as salmon, sardines, tuna, herring, trout; nuts, such as walnuts; and oils, such as canola and olive oil. 
Recommends two servings of fish a week. 
"You can also get it in a fish oil supplement,"

Potassium helps maintain good blood pressure by counteracting sodium. Potassium is high in bananas and oranges. 

Calcium, found in dairy products, almonds, and even broccoli, helps the heart muscle contract and relax.
"Choose low-fat or fat-free versions of dairy," 

Flavanoids help protect blood vessels and prevent excess inflammation throughout the body.
"These are in tomatoes, apples, berries, dark chocolate," Granich said. "Of course, the chocolate should be in moderation."

Antioxidants are nutrients that help prevent oxidative damage in the body. Although these are present in all fruits and vegetables, those rich in antioxidants are deep red and blue.
Although five servings of fruits and vegetables is the norm (1/2 cup of cooked or one cup of raw vegetables, and one small piece of fruit is a serving), preference is nine servings for heart health, five those are vegetables. "Make sure they are colorful, such as dark green, red and orange, so that you get a variety."

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